Bethel Church Ripon

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Day 592: Above all others - Hebrews 1 vs 1 -4

1 Long ago - at many times and in many ways - God spoke to our fathers by the prophets. But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, 2 whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.  3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.  4 After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. Hebrews 1:1-4 (English Standard Version)

People sometimes have second thoughts about important decisions they make in life. That’s a lot of what Hebrews is about. The first verse indicates it was written to Jewish people. In fact, it was to Jewish people who'd become followers of Jesus Christ. But as the letter unfolds, it becomes obvious that due to the opposition and hard struggles they were going through, some were having second thoughts. After all, the Christian message looked pale compared to the priests, rituals and sacrifices of Jerusalem’s beautiful temple. And being a Jew meant you had the history of angels and prophets in your religion. Surely nothing could be more meaningful than that. So what was the very first thing that the writer contrasts in vs 1?

Whereas God had previously sent messengers over many centuries - prophets like Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah - He had now spoken to the world through His very own Son. And the phrase 'in these last days' implies that when Jesus came into the world we were entering the last period of human history. This in itself ought to make us sit up an pay attention to what God had to say through Jesus. But what's the next reason the writer gives why Jesus is much more important than all the prophets there’d ever been? (vs 2)

God destined that Jesus is to inherit all things. It was through Jesus that all things were created, so it's only right that He should eventually be Lord of all. We should pause and think of how amazing vs 2 is. Jesus was born into the very existence He had brought about. But there’s more. What is said of God's Son in vs 3?

There’s a familiar saying that goes 'like father, like son'. That was never more true than it is of God the Father and God the Son. God's glory radiates through His Son who is exactly like Him. Not only was the universe created through the Son, it is the Son who holds it all together. These are things that couldn't be said of any of the prophets God sent, no matter how holy and faithful they had been. The Son is unique.

All that the writer has said so far is astounding. But I think it's what he goes on to say in vs 4 that should excite our hearts. Apart from bringing us a message from God, what’s the other thing Jesus has done, and what did it result in? (vs 4)

He made purification for sins - and was exalted again to the Father's right hand, far above even glorious angels! This was very important to Jewish people. The laws God gave through Moses told them what sin is all about. Moses had also prescribed very detailed rituals that had to be followed for their sins to be atoned for. This had to be an ongoing process for succeeding years. But now the writer says that Jesus has made a purification for sins that is perfect and complete. We know it's perfect and complete because He ascended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high! People sit down when the work is done.

Remember, he was writing to people having second thoughts, and wondering if they should go back to following the customs they’d grown up with. That can still happen to people today. The old attractions of the world may look more shiny than the message of the Bible. Even other religions may appear to have better ceremonies. But God has made Jesus above all others. What we read in vs 2-4 can't be beaten by anything the world has to offer.